To be eligible for the credit, windows, doors, and skylights must:
Homeowners may receive a tax credit equal to 10% of the product cost (installation costs may NOT be included) up to:
Homeowners may receive no more than $500 total for all energy efficiency tax credits. If you claimed an energy efficiency credit in a previous taxable year, please consult a tax professional or visit to determine your remaining eligibility for this credit.
For more information about this credit or those from previous years, visit and see the instructions for Form 5695, Residential Energy Credits. As always, you can always
the team at Brandt's Fuel Savers for guidance.
Windows, doors, and skylights that are eligible for a federal tax credit must meet strict criteria. ENERGY STAR makes it easy to find the right products. Look for the ENERGY STAR label to be sure the product you are buying is eligible for the tax credit.
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